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1st Singleton Scout Group


We are a young group, having only started in 2019 but we have become a popular and thriving group.

Currently, we have both Beavers and Cub sections on a Wednesday and Scouts group on a Friday evening. We meet at the John Wesley Primary School. The school has a fantastic outside space giving us the opportunity to complete a range of activities and gain many badges. We provide a varied program of extra events and in 2022 these have included Cub camps, sleepovers, visiting baby lambs, Forest School, Railway Safety Centre, canoeing at Conningbrooke and hikes around the local area. In previous years we have been canoeing at Hythe, on the snow rings at Folkestone, activity day at Lower Grange Farm and at Woodchurch.

We meet at the John Wesley Primary School.


Beavers (6-8y/o) - 5.30 - 6.30

Cubs (8-10 y/o) - 6.30 - 8.00


Scouts (10-14y/o) - 7.00 - 8.30

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